Good Samaritan Children’s Charities

Supporting Good Samaritan

Children’s Home of Nagydobrony, Transcarpathia, and

Otchiy Dim (Father’s House)

Children’s Home, Kyiv,Ukraine and

Allied Hospitals and Doctors since 2009

Father’s House currently schools over 50 children of all ages. The children’s schooling is a critical element in rehabilitating each at risk individual to be healthy in all aspects and prepared for adoption or life outside the home.

Father’s House School Project

Father’s House could have the first Christian school in Ukraine to receive state funds.

The state has been unable to provide a suitable environment for at risk children to learn because:

· The student to teacher ratio is 37:1

· Many children have remedial needs

· At risk children are physically and mentally bullied by other students

· Over-crowded school operates 3 shifts per day, 8am to 9pm

Father’s House took on the challenge of educating their own children in order to:

· Reduce the student teacher ratio to 8:1

· Bring each child up to grade level

· Provide a safe and caring network of teachers, nurses, and psychologists

· Operate in normal hours

Father’s House

Future Rehab/

Social Center

Future School

1.1 km,

12 min.walk

The state first embraced this relationship but has now taken the stance that the school must be in a building separate from the living quarters. Once that happens the state will supply the operating funds for the school. A would-be mansion is deserted and available for purchase within a 11 minute walk of Father’s House. Funding for the $80,000 initial purchase, plus renovation, has been promised contingent on securing the purchase through a down payment of $10,000.