Natika, Deana, Nadia, and Barbie show off their new apartment.

Good Samaritan Children’s Charities

One of the problems facing the home became more acute as many of  the girls there since the opening in 1995 were now approaching 17-18-19 years of age in 2009.  This is the only home and family many of them have ever known. Many will get married but even they do not have the life skills for cooking and other facets of independent life. They had no where to go and there is not enough room to allow younger girls to enter the home.


GSCC presented a conceptual plan in 2009 to build transitional housing for the older girls that will allow them to stay within the grounds of the home but be relatively independent young adults. Katco recognized the problem and had been searching for solutions as well. We originally proposed to build two units that would house four girls each.

Concept drawing for apartments

Transitional Housing

Original concept drawings for transitional housing. 2009

The Dutch Reformed Church supported the project and allocated the finances. Progress was  slow due to the collapsing economies throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Approvals were obtained from the village council and construction  was begun in 2011. Grading and foundation work was accomplished by September, 2012. The new, modern apartments were ready for the new occupants in November, 2014. There are four apartments with two bedrooms each complete with living area, dining, kitchen and bath. A laundry facility is shared by all four. The entire building is heated by hot water powered by a modern wood-burning furnace.











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September, 2012

March, 2015

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Bella relaxes in her new home.

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(l to r) Natural gas is prohibitively expensive in Ukraine. Efficient wood-fired furnaces with in-floor radiant heat keep the apartments cozy. Natika models a coat she made in the Home’s sewing classroom. She dreams of designing fashions. Tini and Deana come home after a day’s work in Mukacheve.

Supporting Good Samaritan

Children’s Home of Nagydobrony, Transcarpathia, and

Otchiy Dim (Father’s House)

Children’s Home, Kyiv,Ukraine and

Allied Hospitals and Doctors since 2009