Hospital, which was recently bombed by Russian cruise missles, and the main military hospital in Kyiv. Dr. Miron and Dr. Siromakna are highlighted in the subsequent post as well as background information on PRF. I hope you will find it interesting. Financial support for this mission is always welcome. You can use the donation page or contact me directly.


James M. Waite, DMD

August 15, 2024

Good Samaitan CC logo with Christian cross and letters GSCC

Supporting Good Samaritan

Children’s Home of Nagydobrony, Transcarpathia, and

Otchiy Dim (Father’s House)

Children’s Home, Kyiv,Ukraine and

Allied Hospitals and Doctors since 2009

Good Samaritan Children’s Charities, LLC

Good Samaritan Children’s

Charities, LLC

103 N. Ft. Thomas Avenue

Ft. Thomas, KY 41075


Phone: +1(502) 817-1866

 Skype: jameswaite53

WhatsApp: James Waite

Text Box: Nagydobrony Good Samaritan Reformed Children’s Home

Director: Laszlo Katko, Jr.
120 Csongor Str.,
Velika Dobron, 
Zakarpatska obl., 
UA-89463 Ukraine 

Phone: (+380)-31-2714-397 
 Skype: reformatusgyermekotthon 

Google Earth:
Kyiv 2015 Slide Show

Kyiv 2015

Budapest Slide Show


Text Box: CRIMEA
Maidan Slide Show


For fun and more information…

These slide shows are still developing but hope you will enjoy them. Click on the picture to open.

Trip Report March 2016
Trip Report May 2016


During this time I have been exposed to fantastic new advances in rejuvenative medicine using FotonaTM lasers and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) as researched and developed by Dr. Richard Miron, Jupiter, Florida. This protocol concentrates growth factors, blood cells, and proteins from the patient’s own blood which is then used in a variety of truly revolutionary healing treatments. Dr. Miron has generously offered to donate the necessary equipment and supplies to introduce these simple, cost effective

procedures to the doctors and hospitals of Ukraine. I intend to travel there later this year to work with the doctors and hospitals I know, specifically Dr. Sergey Siromakna, Director of Clinics, Chief Surgeon, Amozova National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. I have additional references to both Ohkmatdyit Children’s

Text Box: Kyiv/ Maidan Video!!

Ochiy Dim

(Father’s House)

Children’s & Family Center


President: Dr. Roman Korniiko


Сentralna St.,118, 


Kyivo-Svyatoshinskiy Distr.,

Kyiv Reg.Ukraine, 08141


+38 044 239-13-34

+38 073 239-13-34



Google Earth:




Not a lot has changed in the past two years since I updated the site and yet many things are not the same as before. The children from Father’s House are still in Germany, the Germans are quite heavy handed re: rules and procedures, as children reach 18 they tend to go back to Ukraine, the boys join the army, Father’s House is now filled with refugees, Chesnova and her daughter are settled in Florida.


Good Samaritan is relatively safe, nestled in the south western corner of Ukraine, but now has 108 resident girls versus a pre-war capacity of 75. They have used every available spare room or space.


Both seem to have been able to find adequate financing and approach a sense of stability even though in less than ideal circumstances.